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Investigating the role of public imaging data in research

Key Investigators

Presenter location: Remote

Project Description

Public image data repositories and collections/datasets have been developed for some time now, and they clearly play a role in imaging research, but there has been no systematic investigation of what are the main uses of those repositories and datasets. The goal of this project is to collect experience of the members of the NA-MIC Project Week community in utilizing public datasets in their everyday work.


  1. Document the primary uses of public data by the NA-MIC PW community and sources of the data.
  2. Analyze the collected information to understand gaps and discuss prioritization of new features and data collection efforts based on that information.

Approach and Plan

  1. Design draft of a “survey” to collect the information.
  2. Discuss the draft with a small group of interested parties and refine its content.
  3. Conduct interviews with as many attendees as feasible to collect the information.
  4. Discuss and analyze the information.

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Created initial document for the discussion of the survey, shared with Key Investigators: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iVmWebEOv17RAU1FcUefVo2UiOmOc1SK80OUOKQZhtA/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Distributed survey to the attendees: http://tinyurl.com/public-data-survey
  3. Advertised on LinkedIn, reachhed out directly, printed out paper fliers!
  4. Collected 31 responses so far (only 19 from PW40 attendees, out of 200+ registrants! PLEASE participate!)
  5. Results will be released after the survey is closed to avoid influencing responses!


Survey ad


Current participation overview

Background and References

No response