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Key Investigators
- Sara Fdez Vidal (ICM)
- Jordan Cornillault (ICM)
- Eric Bardinet (ICM)
Project Description
To improve and update the Slicer plug-ins we have developed for pyDBS and EpiLOC toolboxes.
- PyDBS PostOperative Report Plug-in. pyDBS is use mostly to localize the electrodes implanted in some regions of the Basal Ganglia, to tune the stimulation with regard to the surrounded anatomy. We process a big amount of data coming from multicentric research projects and for clinicians. We provide to our users a quantitative and qualitative report but also a visual report for each subject processed, with some almost-standar views.
- EpiPlan slicer Plug-in. We have developed a prototype to help the neurologists and anatomists of our center to plan the surgical procedure to perform intracranial EEG exploration of certain epileptic patients. We want to enhance the plug-in by adding new features and making the graphical interface and user interface interactions more robust
- MrTrix Tracking on PyDBS.
Approach and Plan
- Get feedback from slicer team
- Get help for new features implementation
- Design of news GUIs and plug-ins architectures, adding a logic for the oldest ones
Progress and Next Steps
Development of our plug-ins :
- Jordan : updating and improving post-operative Slicer plug-in in pyDBS
- Sara : planning of surgical iEEG exploration procedure for epilepsy
Discussions about developments :
- Csaba and Andras : how to use SegmetEditorLogicalEffect in python to intersect segments
- Steve : markups and reformat problems
Discussions about dissemination of our modules:
- Jean-Christophe Fillon-Robin, about Girder, that could be used to develop a web server
- Csaba Pinter, about the development of a Slicer solution dedicated to Stereotaxy (build and custom options)
- Steve Pieper, about dissemination of our stereotaxy modules, as an extension or a Slicer solution, about QMenta
Discussions about our projects:
- Lauren O’Donnell, about Slicer DMRI and how to use her atlas to map fiber tracts inside the basal ganglia in parkinsonian patients, and use this for anatomo-functional studies
PyDBS Intra Operative plug-in.

Epiloc PostOperative Visualization plug-in.

Epiloc last implant planning schema exported to ROSA planning workstation .

Background and References
- Source code:
- Documentation:
- Test data: